In these tough economic times in the US this is an extremely relevant topic. Here the exam is asking you to think about what is the job content in each role in the the supply management function. Some questions to ask:
- What is the organizational objectives relevant to supply management-in your location?
- In this market what are the objectives of supply management ?
- What are the functional requirements of the supply management role - who does the job report to , what are the deliverables,how is the outcomes of the supply job measured. Here you need to understand that the supply management outcomes differ depend on the strategic purpose of the item. A bottle-neck item must not be out of stock. On the other hand a strategic item must be such that you don't loose the supplier and yet build a long term supplier relationship.
- In this market what are the objectives of supply management ?
In othe words, read the short cases in the exam and think sequentially from where is this company, what is the market, how is suppply management organized, and what is most appropriate change-clarificatiobn for this team member and what exactly do you want them to achieve in your situation? Can you specify the job details of every member of your team and what you want them to achieve? If you are clear and precise in your thinking about your team's objectives and how indivividual roles tie together, you are prepared for this section.
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