This section is generally some legal things you already know about from your experience in the profession. Legal issues in supply management are ageless (read continuing from the CPM exam) and there are 5 questions to deal with in the exam-and pretty straightforward if you go through the material.
When you deal with a vendor you are representing your company as an agent and everything you say,do,imply or fail to do puts your organization at legal risk. This puts a huge responsibility in figuring out exactly what is involved in ingredients (see BP example,Toys and Tires) and making things explicit. As the contract is executed you need to be on top of the situation with users who requested the product or service till supplies stabilize. Even then there is no harm in keeping track of commodities being managed by you with the users.
Do go through the Anti-Trust section and the Sherman Act , Federal Procurement guidelines and International regulation laws GATT and NAFTA. This section requires some reading of 14 pages in the study guide but once you go through the material the section is easy.
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